Revenge of the Ebony Eagle

In a future Britain where the rich have dismantled democracy and all cultural expression is ruthlessly policed, a brave Resistance fights daily to stay alive, save who they can, and bring some hope back to the world.

But from her home in the clouds, 12 year old Mabel sees none of that - all she remembers is the Archive, Nanny, her stern, robot caregiver, and running rings around her over-protective father.

Yet Mabel will discover her home is no ordinary house, and her father no ordinary man.

For retribution will soon arrive...The Ebony Eagle is coming.

Created by Alex Jamieson and Mahala Urra, with Omaik Neiv, Revenge of the Ebony Eagle is a web-comic adventure in the swashbuckling spirit of Tiger,Tiger and Delilah Dirk.

Chapter One: A Tale of Two Kiddies

Chapter Four: A Visit to Auntie

Chapter Two: Checking Out of the Library

Chapter Three: Your Fave is Problematic

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Defence of the Realm